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 #33718  by WelshPaul
 July 19th, 2020, 3:07 pm
Bez wrote:

Ok just got this and have now realised i can't use it like it is displayed on here. :-(

I know it goes on about 4 sections when setting it up on the instruction page but i just thought this was just showing you how to set things up as it never says you are restricted to only 4 options for each level. :-x

I only want 2 levels so i an restricted to 2 options. :facepalm:
On here it shows 9 options so unless i am missing something in the settings it looks like i have been sold a watered-down version. :poom:

Dave is using an older version that was modified. He probably manually edited the template files to include additional features. Do the same and customise it to your requirements.
 #33719  by Bez
 July 19th, 2020, 3:53 pm
WelshPaul wrote: July 19th, 2020, 3:07 pm
Bez wrote:

Ok just got this and have now realised i can't use it like it is displayed on here. :-(

I know it goes on about 4 sections when setting it up on the instruction page but i just thought this was just showing you how to set things up as it never says you are restricted to only 4 options for each level. :-x

I only want 2 levels so i an restricted to 2 options. :facepalm:
On here it shows 9 options so unless i am missing something in the settings it looks like i have been sold a watered-down version. :poom:

Dave is using an older version that was modified. He probably manually edited the template files to include additional features. Do the same and customise it to your requirements.

Thanks for the advice Paul but i am not capable of doing that. :-(
I also do not want to have to go altering code on an extension i have paid for just to get it to work as it is displayed on here. :poom:

I guess the extra options are only available if you are Dave and not a paid buyer, it is very misleading the way it is displayed on here and is no good to me like this. :-x

I very much doubt i will get my money back now so $25 wasted.

Just another reason for this viewtopic.php?f=11&t=5325&p=33671#p33391
 #33722  by WelshPaul
 July 19th, 2020, 5:13 pm
Bez wrote:
WelshPaul wrote: July 19th, 2020, 3:07 pm
Bez wrote:

Ok just got this and have now realised i can't use it like it is displayed on here. :-(

I know it goes on about 4 sections when setting it up on the instruction page but i just thought this was just showing you how to set things up as it never says you are restricted to only 4 options for each level. :-x

I only want 2 levels so i an restricted to 2 options. :facepalm:
On here it shows 9 options so unless i am missing something in the settings it looks like i have been sold a watered-down version. :poom:

Dave is using an older version that was modified. He probably manually edited the template files to include additional features. Do the same and customise it to your requirements.

Thanks for the advice Paul but i am not capable of doing that. :-(
I also do not want to have to go altering code on an extension i have paid for just to get it to work as it is displayed on here. :poom:

I guess the extra options are only available if you are Dave and not a paid buyer, it is very misleading the way it is displayed on here and is no good to me like this. :-x

I very much doubt i will get my money back now so $25 wasted.

Just another reason for this viewtopic.php?f=11&t=5325&p=33671#p33391

Not sure why you're so angry. You're well aware than this site is not a place used for demonstration purposes. I clearly stated here how it works and in previous replies (even included a link and screenshots). It works as instructed and illustrated here which is where you should be looking.

It took me all of 2 mins to modify the template file to match Dave's custom changes: ... index.html


I understand that not everyone knows how to modify code and so they can ask for help in order to achieve what it is they want and other members like me are usually happy to help. Another case of your damned if you do, damned if you don't! Dave offers four options, you want nine. Dave offers nine, someone else wants four. :facepalm:

BBmembership isn't just an extension that offers extra features, it's an income source, has served me well and helps keeps my forum online (thanks @ThemeSplat):
Screenshot 2020-07-19 at 19.15.34 copy.png
Screenshot 2020-07-19 at 19.15.34 copy.png (750.05 KiB) Viewed 13667 times
That being said @Bez, if you can't be bothered then ask Dave for a refund, he's a reasonable guy.
 #33726  by Bez
 July 20th, 2020, 8:17 am
WelshPaul wrote: July 19th, 2020, 5:13 pm

Not sure why you're so angry. You're well aware than this site is not a place used for demonstration purposes. I clearly stated here how it works and in previous replies (even included a link and screenshots). It works as instructed and illustrated here which is where you should be looking.

That may be the way you see it but i look at it another way, I am looking at photos on here and take that as snapshots/examples of the extension I then see it live showing more options so as it is on the site i am buying it from i take it the extension is configurable to accommodate this (i can't take whats on other sites as as the full model as they could of been modified)

You say it is probably because he is using an outdated version (does not surprise me see below) how am i to know that?
WelshPaul wrote: July 19th, 2020, 3:07 pm

It took me all of 2 mins to modify the template file to match Dave's custom changes: ... index.html

Yes i get that and you have always been very helpful, this is not why i am mad.
WelshPaul wrote:

That being said @Bez, if you can't be bothered then ask Dave for a refund, he's a reasonable guy.

Its not that i can't be bothered it's the fact that this is the third extension i have purchased lately that has had to be modified.

First one i was told from a member i need to modify the phpBB core files to get it to work correctly (not his fault only trying to help)
Dave never bothered to respond

Second was more serious and was not aware of it till a member contacted me to say they have been having problems logging in ( i don't know how many members i have lost through this)
I had to dig around on the forum to find the fix for this (another edit to an extension)
This problem was reported in March but never fixed, again Dave never commented on the post.

This is why i am mad!!!

Enough said, end of.
 #33729  by ThemeSplat
 July 20th, 2020, 3:26 pm
@Bez I'm not sure what is going on there but one thing is clear. You are not happy and you encountered many issues.
Please do me a favor. Let me know the issues you have encountered one by one with a short description. Post it here below seeing as this is an open discussion so I can address your points one by one and hopefully it will clear things up. Thanks!
 #33731  by Bez
 July 20th, 2020, 7:26 pm
First can i just say I am sorry if this looks like i am getting at you guys and just going on a rant but i have been very frustrated lately about some of the extensions i have purchased especially one that may of lost me some members.

I have bought many extensions on here (17 to date) to the point where my forum now relies on them to look as it does work correctly and for the most part i am very happy with how they work and FLATBOOTS is the best theme i have ever used (and i have tried a few over the past 8 years)

@ThemeSplat I didn't want go go on about this any more but as you have asked for the info here it is.
(All of my extensions are up to date)

First was a problem with BBembed not showing Twitch videos i needed this for an important broadcast i wanted to play live on the forum so we could discuss it at the same time.

By the time i found this solution it was to late, I am also led to believe you should not alter code outside of the extension folder to get it to work.
Link to problem and solution: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=5358&p=33569#p33569

Second was a problem with bbgdpr and members having problems logging into the forums.

This one has annoyed me the most because our forum is based on one game in particular and after waiting almost ten years a squeal was about to be announced so i was hoping to get a lot of old members back on the forum that had drifted off because they had given up on a new game ever getting made.

And wile our twitter account was very busy and the daily guest count on the forum was up the actual log-in of old members was wile up was not up as much as i had expected.

I then got a message from a new member saying he has had to make a new account because he could not log in on his old one and could i look into it as he would like to still use it even though it was a long time ago, I also found i could not log in using his old account even though i changed his login details in the ACP .

I also have had other members with the same problem, it is fixed now but at an important time for us I don't know how many members had just give up and not bothered.
It is even more annoying that this was an easy fix but never applied to an update or even bought to our attention and would still be ongoing on my forum now if a member had not pointed it out. :-x

Link: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=5210&p=32429&hilit=BBgdpr#p32419

As to the last one, you only need to read everything i have posted here about BBMEMBERSHIP . :plain:
 #33732  by ThemeSplat
 July 20th, 2020, 10:13 pm
Bez wrote:

i have been very frustrated lately about some of the extensions i have purchased

Ok, but I don't understand where the issue is, seeing as you were provided the solutions for the errors you encountered.

Things sometimes change slightly overtime due to third party providers involved in the extensions etc. The fix (or fixes) is released at some point when the users report the issues and enough reports are confirmed to be a "bug" or a new issue.

This brings up the question, if the fix was provided and its in fact working, what's the problem you are having? Are you bothered by the fact that the "fix" was not included in the current market version? if yes, like I mentioned this is due to the fact either not enough reports were received or the fix is minimal that is in queue for the next release cycle when more issues are found and addressed so this is why you have not seen the fixes included into the latest releases just yet.

Regarding BBmemebership, I see Paul and Leinad already provided tons of extra info.
if you are looking for something more, for example how I did things here, well that's fine and you just need to ask because in this case it's just some custom changes.

You cannot possibly expect some custom code that is available specifically for the environment here will be released as a general extension. Like Paul pointed out in some previous posts, you will have some users who are perfectly fine with the default general options and some other users who will want more. The "want more" people will need to ask and if things are not possible to be released it will be considered custom work which seems pretty fair...

Please understand its perfectly fine to make manual changes. We are now accustomed to extensions, but sometimes you need to make some manual changes. Fire up your code editor and follow the instructions provided, done.

back to BBmembership, the changes I used here are included in the extra folder, so again, I believe all the fixes and extra options you you were looking for have been provided.

inside the
Code: Select all
<!-- BEGIN levels -->
loop, there is the following:
Code: Select all
<!-- IF levels.LEVEL == 1 -->
									 <li><span class="fa fa-check text-green"></span> 3 Months Access</li>
									 <li><span class="fa fa-check text-green"></span> BBCore 1-click Theme Auto-Update via ACP</li>
									 <li><span class="fa fa-check text-green"></span> Forum phpBB version update at 50% off VS non-subscribers (final price quote depends on the forum)</li>
									 <li><span class="fa fa-times text-danger"></span> Access to Subscribers Forum Section (Discussions and Downloads)</li>
									 <li><span class="fa fa-times text-danger"></span> Dedicated Live Chat (BBchat) Room</li>
									 <li><span class="fa fa-times text-danger"></span> $20 Free <a href="" target="_blank">Marketplace Credit</a></li>
									 <li><span class="fa fa-times text-danger"></span> Special Custom Theme Blocks</li>
									 <li><span class="fa fa-times text-danger"></span> Special Custom Theme Plugins</li>
									 <li><span class="fa fa-times text-danger"></span> Special Graphic Resources</li>
									<!-- ELSEIF levels.LEVEL == 2 -->
<li><span class="fa fa-check text-green"></span> Special Graphic Resources</li>
								<!-- ENDIF -->
Note: you need to add the language variables, the above is an example with hard coded text so you can see how it's done.
So, what else can I do for you? what do you need that has not been provided yet? If I missed anything just let me know. I'm here!
 #33733  by Bez
 July 21st, 2020, 6:47 am
ThemeSplat wrote: July 20th, 2020, 10:13 pm
Bez wrote:

i have been very frustrated lately about some of the extensions i have purchased

Ok, but I don't understand where the issue is, seeing as you were provided the solutions for the errors you encountered.

Then you clearly don't understand what i am saying. :facepalm:

By the time i found something was wrong with BBembed and more so bbgdpr the opportunity to get some of these members back had gone

Wile i don't expect every bug to be fixed as soon as it is reported i think some sort of system to make members aware of important bugs is needed ( to me the bbgdpr bug was important as it was stopping some of my members longing in to the forum) I can't be expected to read every post everyday on the off chance that someone will report a critical bug.

I usually try to keep an eye on what you @ThemeSplat are posting to keep an eye on any bugs but as you never posted in any of these threads i guess i missed them.

As i said in an earlier post enough said on this, it is done.

As to BBMEMBERSHIP, again i have said everything i am going to say on what i think about extension descriptions on here.

All this said i do realise i only needed to ask for help on bbmembership but the thread got a little sidetracked on the other issues that is my fault.

So thanks for the edits i will take a look at it as soon as i get time.
 #33741  by Bez
 July 24th, 2020, 10:34 am
Ok i can't get my head around this. :-(

Has anyone got a template i can use so i can display two levels with several options on each, a bit like the one in the photo below.
I have looked in the extra folder but it is still confusing to me. :whata:

Also where do i look if i say wanted to change these words as i cant find the ones that come with the extension in the language files. ( i know i can alter them in the ACP just wanted to know how to find the place holders)

3 Months Access
BBCore 1-click Theme Auto-Update via ACP
Forum phpBB version update at 50% off VS non-subscribers (final price quote depends on the forum)
Access to Subscribers Forum Section (Discussions and Downloads)
Dedicated Live Chat (BBchat) Room
$20 Free Marketplace Credit
Special Custom Theme Blocks
Special Custom Theme Plugins
Special Graphic Resources
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